....गुल्मी चिहाउने एउटा सानो झ्याल

Published on 2:31:00 PM //

Dear Visitors
Namaste !
It is a matter of extreme pleasure for me to present the "GULMI DARSHAN" as an e-blog of entire Gulmi and Gulmely. I hope it would enhance for the further development in the field of information technology of Gulmi. My small effort to inform all the people about Gulmi and Gulmeli was started by creating this blog in 15th July 2007. First I had created this blog just for a hobby. But it earned so much popularity in a very short span of tim. Gulmi Darshan got thousands of visitors from 30plus countries. It is very obvious to all active, energetic and rational visitors who have supported me by posting news, providing news, writting comments, by signing in guest book and by advertising my blog and alarming me to bring this blog inthe present form.
During the journey, Gulmi Darshan faced many problems and is still facing many obstacles and difficulties. But also it has committed to provide better, quality and credible information of entire Gulmi. Gulmi Darshan has been striving to fulfill the aim of providing information related to Gulmi and Gulmely.
Lastly, I would like to thank all the visitors, ekantipur, newsofnepal, gulmiinfo, nayajanamat, and to Tara Bhusal, Ghanashyam Gautam and my well wisher-friend Digbijaya Aryal and to all well wishers. I would like to assure all the visitors that Gulmi Darshan will keep on providing credible news and informations. Every comments and suggestions given by our well wishers are cordially welcomed and I hope all will keep on writting me on .

Thank You.
Sanju Magar, blogger
Gulmi Darshan


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