....गुल्मी चिहाउने एउटा सानो झ्याल

Australia optimistic about aid outcomes

Published on 5:42:00 PM //

The Australian Embassy in Kathmandu on Friday expressed its hope that the Australian assistance would help Nepal keep its promise to mainstream disability as part of its efforts to meet the Millennium Development Goals.
The Embassy under its Direct Aid Programme has funded a total of AUSD 52,733 to four different projects addressing the problems faced by persons with some form of disabilities in the past 12 months, the Embassy said in a press statement today.

Of the total fund, AUSD 5,000 was provided to the Independent Living Centre, Kathmandu; AUSD 7,500 to the Asha Apanga Kendra, Tamghas, Gulmi; AUSD11,500 to the Disabled Welfare Association, Gajure, Dhading; and AUSD 28,733 to the Nepal Association of the Blind, according to the statement.

The statement also said the Australian government, marking the 19th International Day for Persons with Disabilities, unveiled a report on AusAID works entitled ‘Development for All: Achievement Highlights’ two years after Australia launched its first disability strategy as part of its aid programme.

Source: The Himalayan Times

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